What is CBDV [Cannabinoids]?

Ongoing advancements in cannabis research continue to open new doors for consumers, cultivators, and manufacturers alike. One of the most exciting areas of exploration is the study of the multitude of cannabinoids contained within various cannabis strains. 

The CBDV cannabinoid also referred to as cannabidivarin, is among the latest to spark considerable conversation. With its broad range of potential therapeutic properties, CBDV is well worth learning more about. Interestingly, CBDV was discovered a half-century ago; however, it is only recently that it has begun to truly gain traction within the industry and scientific studies.

Our team of laboratory professionals is making it simple to understand the basics of CBDV, including what CBDV is, its potential applications, and its chemical structure.

What is CBDV?

CBDV (cannabidivarin) is one of the many molecules that naturally occur in marijuana and hemp plants. Generally known as cannabinoids, these molecules play a central role in the effects and therapeutic properties of cannabis. 

CBDV is extremely similar to CBD in terms of chemical structure, as well as its typical effects. The key difference between their molecular structures is the propyl chain carried by CBDV. Much like CBD, CBDV is non-intoxicating (in its isolated form). For individuals who prefer to avoid the euphoric high usually associated with THC-rich cannabis products, this makes CBDV a highly attractive alternative.

At present, cannabis researchers have found that CBDV is primarily found in C. indica landrace strains (sourced from Africa and Asia). Strains with high levels of CBD also tend to contain higher concentrations of CBDV.

What is CBDV flower?

“CBDV flower” is a term that is used to describe the consumable portion of cannabis strains rich in the CBDV cannabinoid. As previously noted, current information on strains high in CBDV traces these strains to African and Asian cultivators.

Two examples of CBDV-high strains are “Pine Walker” and “Forbidden V,” though there are many others emerging as we speak.

Is cannabidiol a CBD cannabinoid?

It’s not uncommon for there to be confusion between CBD, CBDV, and other similarly-named cannabinoids. Many consumers are unsure about the distinctions between each.

Cannabidiol is the full name for CBD, one of the most prevalent and best-known cannabinoids. CBDV is a derivative of CBD, hence their similarities. Some people refer to cannabidiol (CBD) and its derivatives as “CBD cannabinoids.”

What is CBDV Good For?

There is still considerable research to be done in order to clearly understand the possible medical benefits of CBDV. However, the studies completed thus far highlight this cannabinoid as one with promising potential:

  • A 2013 study found that CBDV may be useful for reducing nausea, much like THC.
  • A 2018 report suggested that CBDV could be beneficial for individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
  • In 2018, a study found that CBDV was associated with marked improvements in mice with Rett syndrome (a neurodevelopmental disorder).
  • In 2019, researchers found that CBDV may support improved cognitive, neurological, and motor functions for certain genetic disorders.
  • Recently, a study was published that proposed CBDV as a potential treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy, specifically for symptoms of muscle degeneration. 

Other research studies and publications have found possible links between CBDV and Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis (MS), and the symptoms of HIV/AIDS.

CBDV has gained considerable attention for its potential as a treatment for seizures. GW Pharmaceuticals, the developers of the FDA’s first approved CBD drug (Epidiolex) are working on a CBDV-based formulation aimed at reducing epileptic and other types of seizures. According to their findings, CBDV has shown positive results across various study models and could be a valuable option for slowing both the onset and progression of various forms of epilepsy.

Partner with the Industry’s Leading Professionals for Hemp and Cannabis Testing in CO

Nordic Analytical Laboratories is a trusted provider of hemp and cannabis lab testing in Denver and Pueblo, CO, working closely with the state’s leading producers to deliver the ultimate in cannabis quality, consistency, and purity to consumers. Our advanced cannabis and hemp testing services empower our clients to pursue excellence in all forms, including product safety, development, and more. 

Whether you’re seeking CO state-certified cannabis testing for regulatory purposes, formulation development, or other purposes, our highly-trained professionals will exceed your expectations. In addition to facilitating laboratory testing, Nordic Analytical Laboratories also takes great pride in providing industry-focused education and information for our clients and the public alike.

Gain a better understanding of CBDV and other cannabinoids, including the role they can play in product development and formulation, when you contact our team today.

Image Source: Irina Shatilova / Shutterstock