Preharvest Testing

If you are one of the many brands or businesses seeking success in the flourishing hemp and cannabis industry, you are already well aware of the necessity of high-quality laboratory testing. Depending on where you are located and the regulations in your state, you may be required to adhere to specific testing measures to ensure the safety and satisfaction of consumers.

For example, in the state of Colorado, all industrial hemp product manufacturers must complete state-approved testing before their products can be offered for sale in CO dispensaries. However, a growing number of businesses are opting to go above and beyond basic testing requirements, aiming to achieve the ultimate in product excellence with the help of scientific analysis.

At Nordic Analytical Laboratories, we are prepared to meet your testing needs at every stage, from soil and seed to the final product. As a result, we offer hemp lab testing services that can be utilized to assess various parameters at almost any given point in the process. We provide advanced testing for hemp and cannabis in Colorado, including the highly-useful service of pre-harvest testing.

The When, What, and Why of Pre-Harvest Hemp Testing

As the name suggests, pre-harvest testing takes place before a batch of hemp is harvested. 

The purpose of pre-harvest testing is to assess the hemp plant as it is growing, analyzing the following factors:

  • Cannabinoid profile: Does the plant contain the correct amount of CBD (and any other cannabinoids)? Further, for legal purposes, can you confirm that the plants contain less than 0.3% THC?
  • Micronutrients: Is the plant receiving ideal levels of nutrition to prevent it from any significant deficiencies?
  • Pesticides: Are your current application processes contaminating the plant?
  • Soil, nutrients, and water sources: Have you been able to ensure inputs to crops are contaminant free? Have you recently tested these inputs for heavy metals and pesticides prior to application to ensure their starting materials will not directly cause any failures for contaminants?

With so many factors that can alter hemp plants’ cannabinoid profile (including terrain, season, environmental stressors, and chemical exposure), pre-harvest testing is a valuable snapshot of the quality and health of a plant during the growing process. 

What are the Benefits of Testing Hemp Early and Consistently?

So, do you really need to test hemp before harvest? Like many topics in hemp cultivation and production, it’s a topic that is often debated. Many business owners wonder, is pre-harvest hemp testing really worth it?

Our expert team can confidently say that, yes, pre-harvest tests for hemp are an excellent investment and an effective way to better manage product quality. Testing for cannabinoids, microbiology, and pesticides before harvest can better inform your cultivation process, supporting ongoing refinements. Additionally, if there are errors found in testing, you now have the ability to correct the issues before you’ve spent more money and time on a bad batch.

If you are still unsure whether pre-harvest testing is the right decision for your business, our team is happy to discuss specifics with you to help you make an informed choice.

Protect Your Brand’s Integrity with Hemp Testing from Nordic Analytical Laboratory

At every stage of cultivation, product development, and production, accurate lab testing is vital to quality, consistency, and safety. Taking a proactive approach to testing and partnering with an experienced and reputable lab will make a world of difference in the growth and success of your brand and business.

Nordic Analytical Laboratories is a Colorado hemp testing facility that serves a broad range of cultivators, producers, and brands. Our hemp and cannabis labs in Denver and Pueblo offer convenient, MED-compliant testing to address all regulatory needs, giving you the peace of mind of knowing that your products are meeting your high standards. 

For more information about how pre-harvest hemp testing can benefit your end product, please contact the Nordic Analytical Laboratories team today.

Image credit: HQuality/Shutterstock