Water Activity Testing in Pueblo & Denver, CO
As of July 1, 2021, the Colorado MED has implemented mandatory water activity testing for a select range of cannabis products. Now more than ever, it is important to locate an experienced lab facility that is well-prepared to keep up with rapidly shifting regulations on both a state and federal level.
Nordic Analytical Laboratories is the first state-certified lab provider for water activity testing for cannabis in Colorado, demonstrating our consistent commitment to serving as a leader in the cannabis community. As of April 2021, our Pueblo and Denver cannabis labs were the to be certified for water content testing.
Going forward, our unmatched scientific integrity and outstanding customer service will continue to distinguish us from other laboratories throughout the state – even as options for certified testing expand.

What is water activity?
Water activity (measured as aW) is a measurement of the energy status of water contained within a given substance or product. The aW value illustrates how tightly the water is chemically or structurally bound.
In product testing, water activity can serve as a reliable predictor of the following, providing a better analysis than moisture content alone:
- Shelf-life stability
- Chemical reactivity
- Microbial growth
- Perishability
- Chemical reactivity
- Color
- Odor
- Texture
- Flavor
How is water activity tested?
Nordic Analytical Laboratories utilizes the capacitance method to perform water activity testing. The capacitance method is specifically for products that contain volatile compounds, which can interfere with the accuracy of measurements collected in the dew point method.
Requirements for Water Activity Testing in Colorado
Beginning on July 1, 2021, the state of Colorado is mandating water activity measurement testing for the following cannabis forms and products:
- All flower products, with the exception of fresh frozen and wet whole plants
- Remediated concentrates and decontaminated flower products are also subject to testing
For the initial testing of flower products, process validation may be achieved.
The process of water activity testing provides resulting measurements that range from 0.0 to 1.0 aW. Under MED regulations, a measurement greater than 0.65 aW is qualified as a failed result. Because products that have a water activity level of greater than 0.65 aW can experience increased microbial growth (determined by the availability of moisture), they are considered unacceptable for consumer purchase and consumption.
Why a Measurement of Water Activity is So Important
Because water activity testing is a newly-required measurement of health and safety data, many growers and producers are asking: “Why do I need to test my products for water activity?”
Assessment of water activity (aW) in a product or batch offers a multitude of benefits, including:
- A data-driven approach to reducing water activity, which can help prevent microbial growth and improve the efficacy of preservative systems
- Solutions for chemical hydrosis
- The potential to eliminate routine microbial testing in the future, using water activity and formula information as an alternative
For Colorado cannabis producers and growers, quality and customer satisfaction are among the highest priorities. An analysis of your products’ water activity provides you with the data necessary to take an informed approach to limit microbial growth and delivering a safe, high-quality final result.
Find a Full Range of Cannabis Testing Services in Colorado
Nordic Analytical Laboratories is the first cannabis lab in Colorado to be state-certified and ISO 17025 Accredited for water activity analysis on flower harvest batches and concentrate production batches. We can also facilitate water activity tests for infused products, for the process of R&D and shelf-stability improvements.
Our highly-trained team and precisely-calibrated instruments are capable of precisely measuring the water activity of cannabis and hemp, so you can be confident in the reliability of your results. In addition, we offer a wide variety of cannabis and hemp testing services, so that you can streamline the testing process with ease.
For more information about our CO cannabis water activity testing and other lab services, please contact Nordic Analytical Laboratories today.